Dear LUXE Family and Friends,
The last three months have left our team feeling overwhelmed with sadness and at a loss for words. Not only have we grappled with our community losing lives during a world pandemic, but recently, we’ve come face to face with others losing their lives due to hate and discrimination based off the color of their skin. Our hearts hurt deeply for their families and loved ones.
We would be remiss if we didn’t take this time to announce that we stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We pledge to fight back against discrimination, racism (both obvious and obscured), and inequality — any of the systems that leave black communities in a constant state of crisis and fear of state-sanctioned violence, mass incarceration, and poverty.
LUXE has never been one to shy away from taking a stand on the important issues and we will never surrender our role in these fights. As a brand, we deeply believe in equality and vow to take an even stronger stance on using our platform to bring awareness to civil topics and issues like systemic racism, marriage equality, animal rights, and religious freedom.
We will continue to celebrate equality, for all people, and we vow to do an even better job highlighting the reform work coming from our communities of color and continue to facilitate events that promote inclusivity.
There is a lot of work to be done, but we’re committed to being part of the solution. We WILL see this city rise above and flourish. We WILL see our fellow Portlanders come together in peace and solidarity. We WILL see love conquer all. We believe this.
Signed with deep love and solidarity,
Misty Damico
Greg Damico
Samantha Ross
Brooke Garbett
Allison Hutchins
Cecelia Lewis
Lex Foster
Kara Cannon
Aitana Gonzalez
Kyra Elam
Sydney Gutin